Leslie Kraff A&M1

Leslie Kraff was born with a crayon in her hand and an insatiable desire to observe and record everything she saw. Leslie Kraff Flowers Page Image 7x9 72dpi

“Everyday life is riveting to me.  I feel it is important to be aware of the daily vignettes that weave their threads throughout the fabric of our lives.  They become a large part of our life stories. When I put a frame on a painting, it is as if that instant is forever bracketed.  No other moment will be exactly like it.”

Leslie has had several other careers including stints as a high school French teacher and a clinical social worker.  Her journey continues with paint, winning ribbons along the way. 

Leslie’s current work explores mood, color and form as expressed in the natural world.


Norma Schwartz A&M1

Norma Schwartz, born in Argentina a few months before the end of World War II, began practice as a psychoanalyst, started a family and was involved in social and political issues during a harsh dictatorship. 

She emigrated to Spain, where the hope for a new democratic era was starting to emerge.  Norma moved to the United States in the mid ’80s, and found the opportunity to pursue a new passion: sculpting. 

As a sculptor, learning the techniques, exploring new materials, creating new forms of inhabiting a three-dimensional space, and the importance of light gave her the opportunity to express what would otherwise be impossible to express in a different way.  

In sculpting she found a new language to talk about her thoughts and feeling, where each of her works are an attempt to say something through an abstract language and each of them has the background of her own life.




Jody Sachs A&M1

Jody Sachs draws on her love for nature and science, inspired by nature and beauty in the simplest forms.  From leaves and trees, plants and insects to water and underwater life forms, Jody forms silver and gold by hand, transforming them into literally “precious” objects with a particular regard for the interaction of their shapes to make earrings, necklaces and bracelets.


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