MAR/APR in the Galleries with Mark Hamilton

Artists & Makers Studios – Oro Valley, AZ
Mark Hamilton
When Materials Collide and Decide: Letting Paint, Rust, and Glass Form and Inform

(Oro Valley, AZ) – Artists & Makers Studios in Oro Valley is pleased to announce the new gallery exhibition of mixed media sculpture and painting by Mark Hamilton When Materials Collide and Decide: Letting Paint, Rust, and Glass Form and Inform. Painting with a brush would require Mark Hamilton to impose his will on the direction the colors flow. But pouring allows the paint to act with self-determination. Texture and viscosity temper, while the artist waits in wonder. Witnessing its agency allows Hamilton to take a moment without control. Hamilton works in concert with the material, rather than monopolizing the conversation. Like stubborn children with (often brilliant) minds of their own, the colors meander across the canvas, rather than follow his direction. Hamilton loves sifting through an 800-pound stash of rusty clutch plates or glass castoffs. Because somewhere in there lies his next piece. Once assembled, the reciprocal relationship between gloss, sheen, and coarseness emerges. Mark Hamilton bonds these elements into a coherent, organic structure, to be illuminated by sunlight or neon.

Mark Hamilton
When Materials Collide and Decide: Letting Paint, Rust, and Glass Form and Inform

Artists & Makers Studios – Oro Valley
Steam Pump Village
11061 North Oracle Road, Suite 150
Oro Valley, AZ 85737

Viewing hours are Thursday – Saturday 10am – 4pm, or by chance or appointment.


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